The Morning Herald from Hagerstown, Maryland (2024)

THE MORNING HERALD, HAGERSTOWN, MD. FRIDAY, MARCH 9,1945 MORNING HERALD (Established Entered at the postoffice at Hagerstown as second class matter. C. KEILL BAYLOR Editor C. P.

Phone 104-105-106 Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Subscription Rates. In Advance Single copy, by carrier, per by mail up to 4th zone, per month. six months. $4.25: per year. SS.OO; 4th.

5th and 6th zones, 7th and Sth zones, mail per month. $1.50. MEitBER ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated. Pres Is exclusively entitled to the use of publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper also Joca' news published therein. All rigrhts of publication of special dispatches herein are also reserx'ed.

A Layman's Responsibility The Laymen's National Committee of New York, founders and sponsors of National Bible Week, will institute National Sunday School Week, April 9 to 15, 1945. The sole purpose is to stimulate Sunday school attendance and support Admiral Reginald R. Belknap, chairman of the committee, says: "It is time to popularize the fact that a boy or girl who attends Sunday school, who is obedient to his parents and teachers is not a but a real American. National Sunday School Week will endeavor to get over that every parent is not only derelict in his duties, but he cannot expect to enjoy the respect, admiration, or even the company of his friends and associates, if he does not make some effort, some sacrifice to insure his children a knowledge of God. America was founded on man's consciousness of God.

man's daily labor, and the fruits therefrom- Until there is again a-universal recognition of the importance of assuring American children a knowledge of God, the very principles that served Co create this country of ours, will continue to be in jeopardy." Concerted action should be instituted to popularize Sunday school attendance, to give the youth of the nation, a stabilizing influence to counteract irresponsible thinking that inevitably follows war. The fact that strength of character develops with a better understanding of the relative importance of the spiritual and the material, is evidenced by the experiences of the boys on the fighting fronts. The same stabilizing influence must be encouraged in our domestic life. A Rather Somber Postwar Picture Many economists wlio never met a. payroll or managed a business announce glibly that' the postwar national income will be stabilized between 5150,000,000 and 000,000.

This compares with a swollen, income of $157,000,000,000 last year and less than 0000 in any peacetime year. Now comes Br. Rufus S. Tucker, economist of the General Motors Corporation, with the. prediction that the national income will drop sharply during the first two post- war years and then will rise to a point below $100,000,000,000 in the next three years These figures are based on the prewar dollar, Dr.

Tucker says. Gauged by the postwar dollar, which is expected to be inflated, the national income will be somewhat higher. Dr. Tucker says prophets of a huge national income after the war permit ihemselces to be fooled by three factors. There will be fewer than 60,000,000 postwar there will be several million of unemployed, and production per worker will not be as large as has been predicted.

People are wise to save money, advises Dr. Tucker, because the postwar period will not be the rosy- hued era that'some of the starry- eyed planners envision. This newspaper believes Dr. Tucker paints an entirely too somber picture of the postwar period, but it is well to discount all possibilities and his advice about saving money is particularly sound. Two-Way Deal An executive of the Textile Workers of America is quoted as saying that "we will fill the mills" of New 3edford tire plants if the Government operates these plants without profit to the owners.

It would seem, perhaps, that the controversy, in the "guinea pig'' labor graft case in New Bedford is over management profit from war business, rather than Government assignment of labor. But if the tire plants should provide industrial facilities for the Government without profit, it might seem only fair that the workers draw the prevailing Government wage paid other drafted men in uniform--say, $50 a month. If the arrangement is fair, it ought to work both ways. Worthy Citation Union leaders frequently complain "that too much attention is paid to labor's strikes, too little to its on-the-job accomplishments in this war. The answer to that is that, perhaps unfortunately, the departure from normal is usually what makes news.

And the answer also gives an excuse to repeat an item of recent news that may have been overlooked. On Washington's birthday, merchants at two small New York war plants insisted on turning out vitally-important material for the Navy even though the building owners refused to provide heat or elevator service. The men worked all day at temperatures below 40 degrees. They drew only straight-time pay. Nobody complained or behaved as if he thought he were being heroic or 'doing something extraordinary.

A salute to these workers! The TJ. S. Coast Guard fleet now numbers more than 5,000 vessels and is the fifth largest fleet in the world. A TAL By MATTHEW ADAMS Author of "You "Just Among Friends' Mania For Ownership It is natural that each of us desires to own something- something that he can feel contributes to his securitv in some manner or other. No matter how temporary this own- eishipi may be still it remains as an anchor, keeping the ship i ure a ma a bitter life storm.

more destructive to the moral fibre of a man, have a mama for mere ownership Accumulation becomes a valuable asset to a man when he has in mind its useful and wise dis- Then the public at large, becomes me beneficiary. In many of the larger countries of the world, and especially in America, nave seen examples of huge ownerships unwieldly and left unbroken to incompetent hands, scattering their tread of vil and waste from generation to generation. But this mania for ownership is not to great fortunes. It can work its ruin with us i unless we become ruled by a useful purpose in whatever ownership may be ours. No matter what we may choose to accumulate.

I do not believe that we should cling to it too long. There comes the temptation to be too boastful, too unwisely talkative as to what we have gained as our very own. I can testify to the fact that there is quite as big a thrill in giving awav'as in getting and owning. The late elder George F. Baker was a very wealthy man, a fcew York banker of great ability and vision.

He presented to Dartmouth College its beautiful Baker Library as a memorial to a dear one. On one of my visits to this college I was told that after Mr. Baker had called to see the'finished building, it made him so happy that he went back home and made out a check for a million dollars to add to the endowment of few magnificent gift. And Dartmouth College was only one of his many fine benefactions. It is most worthy to gather--if the end you scatter! Tomorrow Mr.

Adams will talk on the Errors Make" The Horoscope by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate) PISCES (February 21 to March 21)--Subjects of this water sign usually are talented and high- strung. They should relax at certain times each day if they desire to accomplish what is within the scope of their ability. Both the men and women may be inclined to do too much for friends and relatives. Unwise generosity is common among Pisces folk. The ruling planets are Jupiter and Neptune.

Friday, March 9 Good and evil aspects seem in balance today. JMorning hours are ominous. Bad news is likely as a result of unfavorable weather. HEART AND HOME: This should be a fortunate date for correspondence. Letters to those in the service should be especially cheering under this configuration.

The seers emphasize the importance of maintaining calmness and confidence in regard to war com- muniques. BUSINESS AFFAIRS: Many popular stocks are likely to decline in public favor or to shrink in value, it is predicted, while new and spectacular industries will offer alluring opportunities. NATIONAL ISSUES: Despite war conditions, pleasure loving Americans will continue to seek amusem*nt at high costs. Many will spend extravagantly for selfish desires, the stars presage, but they are to meet in the future conditions cause regret for lack of true patriotism. INTERNATIONAL A A IRS Mvil trials and courts-martial of ollaborators with Japanese and Jermans will arouse wide interest Astrologers wan, against feelings of -evenge in attempts to make pun- fit the crimes committed.

Persons whose birthdate it 'is have the augury of a year of' dramatic experiences. A i dents -hould. be avoided with extra care Children born on this day probably will have eventful careers After obstacles are overcome bril- iant success is assured. Fellowship of Prayer A I DEVOTIONAL Prepared by Copyright 1945 Friday, March 9 The Ascent of Goodness- "For except your righteousness shall exceed-" "Excel" (Moffatt) Matthew 5:20. Read Matthew 5-17-20 Forget th Scribes and Pharisees, all that is old straw; remember ins a a goodness is always a living, growing force or else it has little always needs to be set from its old a related to new occasions a duties.

Of course, a lie is always a lie and theft is DR. ATKINS always theft, but there are always new ways of lying and stealing and every moral law must be recast again and again to meet always changing conditions. The best illustration, if there were room for it here, would be the recasting of old judicial decisions to meet new social and economic conditions; that is the only way any law ever gets fulfilled. Otherwise it becomes a dead letter or even a -prison in which justice herself is imprisoned. Goodness is kept alive by extending, its renewing it from its unfailing sources and making it regnant in every situation.

Except a living goodness escape a dead past God's kingdom is a dream. Prayer: Almighty God Who, in a world of change, has planted eternity in our hearts, grant unto us so to grow in grace and the knowledge of the mind of Jesus Christ that our goodness may be always ing- toward that perfection which, though we cannot reach it, we must be always seeking. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. IS STOLEN Hazel Heflin, first block of mit avenue, reported to police terday the theft of about $21 cash from her third floor ment.

She said the theft Place sometime yesterday afternoon or evening. Two youngsters loitering in the hallways of building are suspected. Sum- yes- in took seen the Fine FURNITURE Pbone So 35 w. Franklin SL Home of BOHMAN-WARNE, Inc. Fine Silver TRAYS MEAT PLATTERS OLD KETTLE ON STAND, ETC.

Large Selection of Unusual Pieces of SILVER in excellent condition. Harry M. Friedman Harry's Loan Office 55 North Jonathan Street Watch on the Rhine DOtSTWt SCTTERttA AHVUJAY? THE ONCE OVER By H. I. PHILLIPS (Released by The Associated Newspapers) Suggestions for Hitler's Last Speech "Der time has come to make an thing I ate." (Cries of "Und you can't blame "For der last ten years I haf been telling you dot you vas a race of supermen.

I BOW take it back! der last ten years I haf been you Germany couldn't lose! take it back. For der last ten years I haf been saying I vas a man of destiny under horn you could ick der vorld! I now take it back!" Cries of "Ach, he is going back Airder. and furder!" "I haf always told you you vere der master race. I take dot back, haf told you I vould lick our nemies so they vould not rise again for a thousand years. I take dot back.

I haf told you Providence vas on my side. A Voice: "Providence took dot back!" "Always did I tell you Germany vould not be caught in a var on two fronts. Ach du leiber! Now comes it der time I should admit dot I forget der one important sec- et veapon, an automatic taker- backer! "Let us face facts. Your country licked, your great cities are in your future is bleak und I don't feel so good, either! But you haf one great consolation dot is denied you didn't write Mein Voices: "We read it ONLY!" fellow Germans dis is about der point in my speeches vhen I usually blame it all on der Jews. I am now skipping it.

No one race could be responsible for all dot is lappening to me! Better you should blame it all on an Austrian Voices: "Und we know vot Austrian!" "My policy has been divide and ionquer. But I forgot to take out a copyright! My slogan has been Might makes right' But I forgot put in der I haf driven you into battle mit a cry of 'Germany over der But I vas using a joke book for a geography. "Fellow Germans, der jig is up. Papei-hanging vasn't so bad. There is no greater misfortune than to be a corporal mit a grouch and a message (Cries of "Now he tells "My parting vord is this: 'Never sell your neighbors short, always une out of a microphone speech vhen you can get good music on another station, and, if you can fix it, put me in der same cell with Goering und Und 'swastika' is 'baloney' spelled backwards!" admission.

It must haf been some- it all on German President Roosevelt marked his twelfth year in the White House on March 4th, And away back in those days he thought he knew -what trouble was! Since the midnight closing of night clubs and other gay spots, hotels have been plunged into a cracked ice' crisis. Most of them are refusing room service after twelve, so the folks get back a little ahead of time and began yelling "Send up two pitchers of cracked ice right away!" It used to be the custom to send up the cracked ice without charge, but now the minimum charge in many places is fifty cents a pitcher. LANE'S A The McPhail Paint Co. Gash advanced to pay bills, buy needed things, pay for medical or dental attention, meet emergencies of every description. COME IN OR PHONI General Acceptance Corp.

(Formerly Hajc. Industrial Loan) 49 JONATHAN ST. Phone 250 D. Earl Xeihlrk, Manager Garden Supplies "Everything for the Garden" Seeds Fertilizers Sprays-Dusts-etc Our Seeds are Triple Tested. Our Stock the Most Complete in the County.

HOWARD'S "Seedmen for 35 Years" 7 East Baltimore Street Phone 806 Movie Stunt Man Makes Visit Herfe Ralph A. Miller, former sky writer, and a stunt flyer for 29 years, has arrived in Hag- erstown for a brief stay. Miller, who started flying with World War I aerial squadrons, was injured some years ago in a 78 foot fall while testing a tube which he factured his He was five years in a hospital and in a wheel chair. During that period he learned a lot about playli cards. Now he is visiting club, and organizations here demonstraj ing why you shouldn't play can for money with strangers.

The green coloring plants is called chlorophyll. COMPLETE MODERN BEDROOM! $129 A stunning new waterfall suite in rich walnut or toasted mahogany veneers, pleasingly low- priced for a quality bedroom ensemble! Consists of Bed, Chestrobe, and Dresser. Balance of pieces shown may be had at same low prices. All solid end construction which means extra value! Brighten Your Bedroom! BOUDOIR CHAIR OTTOMAN Big, inviting boudoir chair, T-shaped seat, roll arms; complete, with matching Both smartly tailored in gay floral cover. Choice-of colors.

$19 95 up LUXURIOUS REST ROCKER A delightfully comfortable platform rocker "with deep posture-form seat and "back. Choice of covers. Quaint i a style cricket boudoir chair, covered in colorful floral chintz -with cushion seat and back. -Maple frame, Graceful Duncan Phyfe Sofa A distinctive piece to "be the center 5 of interest in your living room. Mahogany frame; fine damask cover.

Cozy Lawson Lounge Chair Smartly simple in design, with com- fortable spring-filled cushion seat. JLj cushion back. Rose top ITURE CO. 28-30 Summit Avenue Phone 1203 Open Evenings By Appointment.

The Morning Herald from Hagerstown, Maryland (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.